Vegan Jalebis

My favorite jalebi memory is at the Gole market near Banglasaheb while I was living at the YWCA. I’d never eaten better jalebis. I believed that jalebis fried in oil were inherently vegan till I discovered the use of curd in many recipes. Try this instant and easy to make vegan jalebi version at home !


(serves 8-10 people)

Makes enough jalebis to last you a couple days !

Sugar syrup:

  • Organic cane sugar- 300 grams
  • Water – 270 grams
  • Saffron – few strands
  • Cardamom powder – one teaspoon
  • Lemon juice – one teaspoon

Jalebi batter:

  • Organic refined wheat flour – 125 grams
  • Corn flour – 16 grams
  • Turmeric – 1/4 teaspoon
  • Plant-based curd – 120 grams
  • Water – 90 to 100 grams
  • Aluminium free baking soda – half teaspoon
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil – as required for frying.


1. Take a wide pan and start making the sugar syrup. The width of the pan is important as it will allow you to soak in many jalebis at the same time in the warm sugar syrup.

2. Mix the sugar and water in the pan and allow it to come to boil. Simmer this sugar syrup till it reaches one string consistency. To check the string consistency, place a drop of the hot mixture on a plate and allow to cool. Once cool, lift the sugar syrup drop with your index finger and pull it apart with your thumb. A one string consistency sugar syrup will hold in a single thread as you stretch your index finger and thumb apart. If your sugar syrup thickens more add a teaspoon of water and check. Once the syrup is ready add in the saffron strands and cardamom powder and remove from heat. Remember that jalebis need to be dipped in warm sugar syrup. So start on the jalebi batter while the syrup is getting ready.

3. For the jalebi batter, in a bowl stir together the flours and turmeric. Now add your plant-based curd and lemon juice. Add in half the quantity of water and stir in a clockwise direction. I used home made soy curd for this recipe

homemade soy curd

4. The most important thing in jalebi making is batter consistency. Your batter should be thick but pour-able. Keep stirring the batter for a few minutes in clockwise direction to get a lump-free batter. Use as much water as you feel is required. I used about 90 grams.

5. Place oil for heating . Once the oil is heated, check the temperature by pouring a drop of the jalebi batter . It should immediately bubble up.

6. Once the oil is ready, add in the baking soda to the batter and stir. Your batter will immediately start showing bubbles. Transfer your batter to a sauce dispenser with a nozzle or a piping bag and shape jalebis in the hot oil. I piped them inside out. In case you need to thin the batter add a teaspoon of water and in case you need to thicken it add in a teaspoon of refined flour.

7. Maintain medium heat for frying. Now use a long wooden skewer and transfer the jalebis to the warm sugar syrup. Let them soak for two minutes. Using another skewer transfer them to a plate. Serve hot !

Important notes :

1.A quarter teapoon of turmeric might feel less at the beginning, but your jalebis will show color as you start frying them! Be conservative here.

2. The shape will come correctly after you pipe the first few. Don’t fret too much about this. They will taste great any which ways!

3. Store these in a airtight box in the refrigerator and enjoy them over the week.